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Our Local TV History

Boothbay Region Community TV brings you original content created by and for the people of the Boothbay Region. Featuring new shows, sports, entertainment, and community programming from our past archives and live coverage.


Public access television in our community began in 1995 when Neal Verge conceived of it as a means for the YMCA to be able to broadcast YMCA and school sports. As there was no knowledge of the fact we could even have a local television station, when the original contract with the cable company was signed by the towns in 1992, no provision was made to secure the financial support of a community TV station through cable franchise fees or other means.


BRCTV and its board of directors existed as an ad hoc committee of Boothbay Harbor town government until incorporating as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2002 (under the name Boothbay Region Access Channel 5).  Until 2001, sports and a few local events (Windjammer Days, Fishermen's Festival) made up almost the entirety of programming due to the interests of the volunteer producers, who were very few in number. Beginning in that year, a small but dedicated group of volunteers began a conscious effort to improve the quality and diversity of the programming on the channel, in the hopes that they would thereby be able to interest more volunteers, better serve the viewing audience and raise the level of awareness in the community about what needs can be met by locally-produced television.


We have broadened our volunteer base to include producers interested in local politics, arts, documentary, history and community events of all kinds, while maintaining and improving the quality of the sports and local government coverage our volunteers provide. Now most of our programming is now available to watch on demand on the internet worldwide at our video blog.

 Producers' Policy 

The opinions and viewpoints of the producers and participants of programs aired on Channel 7 are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BRCTV, the Board of Directors, and/or staff.

Have a show idea or event you'd like televised?
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